We welcome the reporting of content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the Standards of our website.
We acknowledge that such reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days, through this email address: contact@vosfemmes.com.
The process of review is the following: the report is directly sent to the Customer Service team, which has the ability and the power to decide if the content respects or not our Standards. If it's not the case, the content will be removed immediately.
In the event where a complaint is made about a piece of content that cannot be resolved by the Customer Service team, the matter will be escalated to the site's Content Director, which will make the final decision, which can be leaving the content online or removing it immediately.
Also, any person depicted in the content has the right to appeal to remove such content, and to have the content removed should the outcome of the investigation determine that consent was not given or is void under applicable law.
If the consumer's complaint gets declined, the customer will have an option to restart the process and will be allowed for it to be resolved by a neutral body.
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